Sachi's List of New Years Resolutions.

Sachi's list of New Years Resolutions (in which he is now coming up with at the top of his head):

1.) Be more social with my real life friends, and try to get out more. Due to not so recent events, I now have the opportunity to do as such and it is about time I take advantage of it.

2.) Not spend so much money. I want to try to save up my money in order to give myself a security cushion which is becoming more and more necessary.

3.) Be even more organized with my school work. Recent events in the academic setting have introduced fun, effective means of keeping organized which I want to take advantage of.

4.) Take some time out of each of my days to exercise and get back in shape in order to become healthier and gain weight.

5.) Keep up to date with my blog, making at least three updates a month.

And that's good for now. Lets see if I can keep up with all of them.

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